Local Wildlife

Late winter is producing warm, sunny days, and while the harsh sunlight is perhaps not perfect for photography it’s awesome for wandering around outside with a camera. A jumper during the day is no longer necessary; sunblock, however, is. I watched this cormorant for quite a while, getting a shot just as it was flying off. It didn’t go far; it was mostly after a higher spot from which to watch the world go by. Note that the chosen tree is still devoid of any greenery.

Cormorant taking off
Cormorant in Tree
Cormorant watching the world go by







This Eastern water dragon did what lizards do best: sun-bathing, while this moorhen preferred to stay in the shade.

Eastern Water Dragon
Portrait of a Lizard
Moorhen in Shade
A moorhen sheltering from the sun.







A waterfall afforded the opportunity to play with manual settings. Give a waterfall a long enough exposure and the water droplets should look like long streaks. This is limited not so much by the minimum available aperture but by how long I can hold the camera steady-ish. This turned out to be one-fifth of a second. Any longer and a tripod will be required.

A waterfall taken with long-ish exposure








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